List of Background Sections
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- Water Features - Rivers/Bodies of Water
- Riparians - Countries/States
- Water Projects - Infrastructure/Initiatives
- Agreements/Treaties
- Akpa Basin
- Alsek Basin
- Amacuro Basin
- Amazon Basin
- Amu Darya (River)
- Amur Basin
- An Nahr Al Kabir Basin
- Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin
- Aral Sea
- Aral Sea Basin
- Arctic Ocean
- Arroyo Seco
- Artibonite Basin
- Asi (Orontes) Basin
- Astara Chay Basin
- Atlantic Ocean
- Atrak Basin
- Atui Basin
- Aviles Basin
- Awash Basin
- Aysen Basin
- BahuKalat-Rudkhanehye Basin
- Baker Basin
- Bangau Basin
- Bann Basin
- Baraka Basin
- Barima Basin
- Barta Basin
- Bei Jiang-Hsi Basin
- Beilun Basin
- Belize Basin
- Benito-Ntem Basin
- Bermejo River
- Bia Basin
- Bidasoa Basin
- Blue Nile
- Buzi Basin
- Ca (Song-Koi) Basin
- Candelaria Basin
- Castletown Basin
- Catatumbo Basin
- Cavally Basin
- Cestos Basin
- Chamelecon Basin
- Changuinola Basin
- Chesapeake Bay
- Chico (Carmen Silva) Basin
- Chilkat Basin
- Chiloango Basin
- Chira Basin
- ... further results
- Afghanistan
- Alabama
- Albania
- Algeria
- Andorra
- Angola
- Argentina
- Arizona (U.S.)
- Australia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Bangladesh
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Belize
- Benin
- Bhutan
- Bolivia
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Botswana
- Brazil
- Brunei
- Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso
- Burund
- Burundi
- California (U.S.)
- Cambodia (Kampuchea)
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Catalonia
- Central African Republic
- Chad
- Chico (Carmen Silva)Basin
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Colorado (U.S.)
- Congo
- Congo, Democratic Republic of (Kinshasa)
- Congo, Republic of the (Brazzaville)
- Conogo
- Costa Rica
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Democratic Republic of Malawi
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Denmark
- ... further results
- Administrative Commission for the Rio de la Plata
- Amur River Basin Coordination Committee
- Aral Sea Basin Programme
- Autonomous Binational Authority of Lake Titicaca (ALT)
- Baglihar Hydroelectric Plant - Issue between Pakistan and India + Case Study of Transboundary Dispute Resolution: Multilateral Working Group on Water Resources (Middle East)
- Binational Autonomous Authority of the Lake Titicaca (ALT)
- Binational Commission for the Development of the Upper Bermejo and Grande de Tarija Rivers
- California Groundwater Sustainability Agency
- Canadian Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fisheries Commission
- Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine
- Colorado River Storage Project
- Commission for the Development of the Mirim Lagoon Basin (CLM)
- Danjiangjou Reservoir/Dam ( Dam, Storage)
- Devils Lake Outlet ( Aqueduct/canal/transmission system)
- Estonian Russian Joint Transboundary Waters Commission
- Finish Russian Commission on the Utilization of Frontier Waters
- Finish-Norwegian Transboundary Waters Commission
- Finnish-Swedish Frontier River Commission
- Flint River Watershed Coalition
- Fly River Provincial Boundaries Commission
- Gambia River Basin Development Organization (OMVG)
- German Czech Boundary Waters Commission
- Glen Canyon Dam
- Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam ( Dam, Hydropower)
- Great Lakes Fisheries Commission
- Great Lakes Water Quality Board
- Greater Tumen Initiative
- Guatemala Mexico International Boundary Water Commission
- Helmand River Delta Commission
- Hidroelectrica Chixoy (Chixoy Hydroelectric Dam)
- Hoover Dam
- Ilisu Dam ( Dam, Hydropower)
- Indo-Bangladesh Joint Rivers Commission
- Inga Dams
- International Boundary Commission
- International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC)
- International Comissions for the protection of the Moselle and Sarre (CIPMAS or IKSMS)
- International Commission for the Protection of Lake Constance
- International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River
- International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine
- International Commission on Limits and Water between Mexico and Guatemala
- International Fund for the Aral Sea
- International Joint Commission (IJC)
- International Sava River Basin Commission
- International Scheldt Commission
- International St. Croix River Board
- International Tripartite Commission (Pilcomayo River)
- Itaipu Dam ( Dam, Hydropower)
- Joint Commission for the Protection of Italian- Swiss Waters against Pollution (CIPAIS)
- Joint Commission on the Garonne
- ... further results
- 1944 US-Mexico Water Treaty ( trans-national, treaty)
- 1948 Upper Colorado River Basin Compact
- 1956 Colorado River Storage Project Act
- 1973 Helmand River Water Treaty
- 1977 Ganges Water Agreement ( agreement)
- 1992 Agreement on Cooperation in the Area of Joint Management
- 2007 Interim Guidelines for Colorado River Operations
- Adana Agreement ( agreement)
- African convention on the conservation of nature and natural resources
- Agreement Between Canada and Denmark Relating to the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf Between Greenland and Canada, 17 December 1973
- Agreement Between Norway and Denmark Together with the Home Rule Government of Greenland Concerning the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf and the Fisheries Zones in the Area Between Greenland and Svalbard, 20 February 2006
- Agreement Between the Government of India and the Government of Nepal on the Kosi Project (1954)
- Agreement Between the Governments of the Republic of Botswana the Kingdom of Lesotho the Republic of Namibia and the Republic of South Africa on the Establishment of the Orange-Senqu Commission. Windhoek, 3 November, 2000 ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement Between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Maritime Boundary, 1 June 1990
- Agreement between Finland and Sweden concerning frontier waters ( agreement)
- Agreement between Finland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning frontier watercourses, Helsinki ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement between His Majesty's government of Nepal and the government of India on the Gandak Irrigation and Power Project ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement between Pakistan and India on West Pakistan-India border disputes ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany, the Czech Republic and the Republic of Poland on protection of the Oder river from pollution ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement between the Government of Kazakhstan and the Government of People's Republic of China on management and protection of transboundary rivers ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement between the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Agreement between the Republic of Zimbabwe and the Republic of Zambia concerning the utilization of the Zambesi River ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement between the United Mexican States and the Republic of Guatemala on the protection and improvement of the environment in the border area ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement between the government of Estonia and the government of the Russian Federation on the protection and rational use of transboundary waters ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement between the government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia and the government of the People's Republic of Albania concerning water economy questions (1956) ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement between the government of the People's Republic of China and the government of Mongolia on the protection and utilization of transboundary waters ( agreement)
- Agreement between the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the use of water and energy resources of the Sry Darya Basin ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement between the government of the United Arab Republic and the government of Sudan for full utilization of the Nile waters ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement between the governments of the Republic of Angola, the Republic of Botswana, and the Republic of Namibia on the establishment of a permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission (OKACOM) ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement concerning the River Niger Commission and the navigation and transport on the River Niger ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement concerning the utilization of the rapids of the Uruguay River in the Salto Grande area ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement constituting the trilateral commission for the development of the Pilcomayo river basin ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement for the establishment of the organization for the management and development of the Kagera river basin (with attached map), Concluded at Rusumo, Rwanda ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement for the multiple uses of the resources of the upper basin of the Bermejo river and the Grande de Tarija river ( treaty, trans-national)
- Agreement of cooperation between the government of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay and the Federal Republic of Brazil for the use of natural resources and the development of the basin of the Cuareim river ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement on Cooperation in the Management, Utilization and Protection of Interstate Water Resources
- Agreement on Great Lakes water quality with annexes and attachments, signed at Ottawa ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement on the Establishment of the Zambezi Watercourse Commission ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement on the action plan for the environmentally sound management of the common Zambesi River System ( agreement, trans-national)
- Agreement on the cooperation for the sustainable development of the Mekong River Basin ( agreement)
- Agreement on the status of the International Aral Sea Fund and its organizations ( agreement, trans-national)
- Amended Agreement Between His Majesty’s Government of Nepal and the Government of India Concerning the Kosi Project (1966)
- An agreement between the Syrian Arab Republic and the Lebanese Republic for the sharing of the Great Southern River Basin water and building of joint dam on the maincourse of the river ( agreement, trans-national)
- Binational Master Plan ( agreement)
- Boundary Convention between the United States of America and Mexico ( agreement, trans-national)
- Code of Conduct (COC)
- Colorado River Compact ( binding, sub-national, agreement)
- Columbia River Treaty ( agreement, treaty)
- Conflicts Over Development in India’s Narmada river Basin
- Convention Relating to the Statute of the Senegal River. Dakar, 7 February, 1964 ( agreement, trans-national)
- ... further results