Greater Tumen Initiative

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Organizational Purpose Described as:
– river basin organization
– advisory committee

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The multilateral committee was established 1995 and is based upon the Agreement on the Establishment of the Consultative Commission for the Development of the Tumen River Economic Development Area and Northeast Asia. It covers the Tumen River and includes and China, Mongolia, Russia, and North Korea.


Functions of the secretariat include: provide administrative support, implement decisions of Consultative Commission, prepare biennial work-plans for submission to Consultative Commission, act as a liaison between public and private sectors and identify specific projects suitable for public sector financing and undertake to mobilise resources for implementation.

Organizational Bodies

Organizational bodies include: Intergovernmental Meetings/Consultative Commission, Coordination Committee, National Coordinators, Secretariat and Advisory Boards (Tourism, Energy, Environment, Transport, Trade, Business).[1]

Decision-making Mechanisms

Decisions of the commission shall be made by consensus.

Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

Consult among themselves with a view to having the dispute resolved by negotiation or other peaceful means of their own choice in accordance with the united nations charter The first instance of a dispute between parties is resolved bilaterally between disputing parties through negotiation without RBO involvement.[1]

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Schmeir, Susanne. International River Basin Organization Database. Oregon State University Program in Water Conflict Management and Transformation. Accessed online April 30 2014.

External Links

  • International River Basin Organization database — The International RBO Database was created by Susanne Schmeir as part of her PhD research and has been incorporated into the resources hosted by the Transboundary Freshwater Disputes Database at Oregon State University. It is available in a queryable online form, data download.

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Projects and Initiatives Agreements and Treaties

Facts about "Greater Tumen Initiative"RDF feed
Organization Covers Water FeatureTumen River +
Organization Public Participationinformation sharing +
Purposeriver basin organization + and advisory committee +