Finish-Norwegian Transboundary Waters Commission

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Organizational Purpose Described as:
– river basin organization
– formal commission

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The bilateral commission was established 1980 and is based upon the Agreement between Finland and Norway on a Finnish-Norwegian Transboundary Water Commission. It covers the Kemi, Naatamo, Pasvik, Tana and Tourne Rivers. It includes Finland and Norway.

Relevant Water Law Principles

International water law principles mentioned in legally relevant documents to this organization include: obligation of prior notification.[1]

Decision-making Mechanisms

Majority (qualified majority required for decsions granting permits for development); if no majority, referred back to to governments for decisions; if decisions about compensation, majority of members from state where property situated that suffered from damage; decisions are final and binding.[1]

Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

Any dispute concerning agreement is settled through establishment of specific commission for investigation and conciliation The first instance of a dispute between parties is resolved externally by a third party using an external mechanism involving third parties.[1]


Commission in charge of monitoring and supervision of condition and quality of waters, fishing conditions in waters, prevention of pollution of waters, construction in watercourse, and regulation of waters (issue-specific monitoring, not compliance). Monitoring is performed to ensure environmental aspects and the state of the basin.[1]

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Schmeir, Susanne. International River Basin Organization Database. Oregon State University Program in Water Conflict Management and Transformation. Accessed online April 30 2014.

External Links

  • International River Basin Organization database — The International RBO Database was created by Susanne Schmeir as part of her PhD research and has been incorporated into the resources hosted by the Transboundary Freshwater Disputes Database at Oregon State University. It is available in a queryable online form, data download.

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Riparians Water Features

Projects and Initiatives Agreements and Treaties

Facts about "Finish-Norwegian Transboundary Waters Commission"RDF feed
Monitoring Methodinstitutionally implemented monitoring +
Monitoring Purposeenvironmental monitoring +
Organization Covers Water FeatureKemi River +, Naatamo River +, Pasvik River +, Tana River + and Tourne River +
Purposeriver basin organization + and formal commission +