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Revision as of 14:51, 25 February 2013

This property is used to describe the relationship between an Agreement and related initiatives or commissions. This property refers to initiatives or commissions that are included in or result from a specific agreement.

Semantic Mediawiki/Forms Description: This is a property of type Page. It links to pages that use the form Water Project. It creates pages with form Water Project.

Pages using the property "Related Initiatives or Commissions"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Agreement Between Norway and Denmark Together with the Home Rule Government of Greenland Concerning the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf and the Fisheries Zones in the Area Between Greenland and Svalbard, 20 February 2006 +The Arctic Council  +
Agreement Between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Maritime Boundary, 1 June 1990 +The Arctic Council  +
Agreement between Finland and Sweden concerning frontier waters +Finnish-Swedish Frontier River Commission  +
Agreement between Finland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning frontier watercourses, Helsinki +Finish Russian Commission on the Utilization of Frontier Waters  +
Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany, the Czech Republic and the Republic of Poland on protection of the Oder river from pollution +German Czech Boundary Waters Commission  +
Agreement between the United Mexican States and the Republic of Guatemala on the protection and improvement of the environment in the border area +Guatemala Mexico International Boundary Water Commission  +
Agreement between the government of Estonia and the government of the Russian Federation on the protection and rational use of transboundary waters +Estonian Russian Joint Transboundary Waters Commission  +
Agreement between the government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia and the government of the People's Republic of Albania concerning water economy questions (1956) +Water Economy Commission (Drin)  +
Agreement between the government of the United Arab Republic and the government of Sudan for full utilization of the Nile waters +Permanent Joint Technical Commission on the Nile  +
Agreement between the governments of the Republic of Angola, the Republic of Botswana, and the Republic of Namibia on the establishment of a permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission (OKACOM) +Okavango River Basin Water Commission (OKACOM)  +
Agreement concerning the utilization of the rapids of the Uruguay River in the Salto Grande area +The Joint Technical Commission of Salto Grande  +
Agreement constituting the trilateral commission for the development of the Pilcomayo river basin +International Tripartite Commission (Pilcomayo River)  +
Agreement for the establishment of the organization for the management and development of the Kagera river basin (with attached map), Concluded at Rusumo, Rwanda +Organization for the Management and Development of the Kagera River Basin  +
Agreement for the multiple uses of the resources of the upper basin of the Bermejo river and the Grande de Tarija river +Binational Commission for the Development of the Upper Bermejo and Grande de Tarija Rivers  +
Agreement of cooperation between the government of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay and the Federal Republic of Brazil for the use of natural resources and the development of the basin of the Cuareim river +River Cuareim Commission (CRC)  +
Agreement on Great Lakes water quality with annexes and attachments, signed at Ottawa +Great Lakes Water Quality Board  +
Agreement on the Establishment of the Zambezi Watercourse Commission +Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM)  +


Boundary Convention between the United States of America and Mexico +International Boundary Commission  +


Convention between the government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia and the Federal Government of the Austrian Republic concerning water economy questions relating to the Drava, signed at Geneva +Joint Drava Commission  +
Convention between the government of the French Republic and Spanish government relative to the management of the upper course of the Garonne +Joint Commission on the Garonne  +
Convention concerning the protection of Italo-Swiss waters against pollution, signed at Rome +Joint Commission for the Protection of Italian- Swiss Waters against Pollution (CIPAIS)  +
Convention creating the Niger Basin Authority +Niger Basin Authority (NBA)  +
Convention on the Protection of the Rhine +International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine  +
Convention pertaining to the creation of the organization for the management of the Senegal river, signed at Nouakchott +Senegal River Basin Organization (OMVS)  +
Convention relating to the creation of the Gambia River Basin Development Organization +Gambia River Basin Development Organization (OMVG)  +
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