Tigris-Euphrates (Shatt al Arab) Basin

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Tigris-Euphrates (Shatt al Arab) Basin Facts

Basin Area: 788795 788,795 km²
304,474.87 mi²
Average Discharge: 259849.8259,849.8 m³/s
9,176,509.079 cfs
8,200.08 km³/y
Type:watershed or basin, river or creek

Includes Riparians: Iran; Iraq; Jordan; Saudi Arabia; Turkey; Syria;
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The Tigris-Euphrates (Shatt al Arab) Basin is located in Southern Asia.

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Riparians Water Features

Located in this basin- Jordan
Located in this basin- Iran
Located in this basin- Syria
Located in this basin- Saudi Arabia
Located in this basin- Iraq
Located in this basin- Turkey

Other - Iran
Other - Iraq
Other - Jordan
Other - Saudi Arabia
Other - Turkey
Other - Syria

Projects and Initiatives Agreements and Treaties

Facts about Included Riparians

RiparianPopulation in BasinArea within Basin in sq. kmIrrigated Lands within Basin in sq kmAverage Discharge in cubic m per second
Jordan0.0042 million4,200 people2,006 km²774.521 mi²0 km²0 mi²0 m³/s0 cfs
0 km³/y
Iran9.179 million9,179,000 people155,251 km²59,942.746 mi²23,300 km²8,996.18 mi²
Syria8.732 million8,732,000 people116,306 km²44,905.998 mi²31,400 km²12,123.608 mi²6,337.8 m³/s223,817.295 cfs
200.002 km³/y
Saudi Arabia0 million0 people85 km²32.819 mi²0 km²0 mi²0 m³/s0 cfs
0 km³/y
Iraq23.757 million23,757,000 people319,440 km²123,336.474 mi²102,200 km²39,459.641 mi²95,067 m³/s3,357,259.419 cfs
3,000.029 km³/y
Turkey12.237 million12,237,000 people195,707 km²75,562.895 mi²27,400 km²10,579.199 mi²158,445 m³/s5,595,432.365 cfs
5,000.049 km³/y
  1. ^ Oregon State University.Transboundary Freshwater Spatial Database Entry for "Tigris-Euphrates (Shatt al Arab) Basin" Accessed August 15 2014 online:http://ocid.nacse.org/tfdd/map/result.php?bcode=TIGR