Agreement Signed 14 November 1944
A list of all pages that have property "Agreement Signed" with value "14 November 1944".
Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.
- 1944 US-Mexico Water Treaty + (14 November 1944)
- Agreement concerning the utilization of the rapids of the Uruguay River in the Salto Grande area + (30 December 1946)
- Terms of reference of the Helmand River Delta Commission and an interpretive statement relative thereto, agreed by conferees of Afghanistan and Iran + (7 September 1950)
- Convention between the government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia and the Federal Government of the Austrian Republic concerning water economy questions relating to the Drava, signed at Geneva + (25 May 1954)
- Agreement between the government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia and the government of the People's Republic of Albania concerning water economy questions (1956) + (5 December 1956)
- Agreement between the government of the United Arab Republic and the government of Sudan for full utilization of the Nile waters + (8 November 1959)
- Agreement between His Majesty's government of Nepal and the government of India on the Gandak Irrigation and Power Project + (4 December 1959)
- Agreement between Pakistan and India on West Pakistan-India border disputes + (11 January 1960)
- Indus Waters Treaty + (9 September 1960)
- Indus waters treaty 1960 between the government of India, the government of Pakistan and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development + (19 September 1960)
- Treaty relating to cooperative development of the water resources of the Columbia River Basin (with annexes) + (17 January 1961)
- Protocol between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg concerning the establishment of an international commission to protect the Moselle against pollution + (20 December 1961)
- Convention concerning protection of the waters of Lake Geneva against pollution + (16 November 1962)
- Exchange of notes constituting an agreement between Brazil and Uruguay establishing a joint commission for the development of the Mirim Lagoon + (26 April 1963)
- Convention between the government of the French Republic and Spanish government relative to the management of the upper course of the Garonne + (29 July 1963)
- Convention between the French Republic and the Swiss Confederation concerning the Emosson hydro-electric facility + (23 August 1963)