Nigeria-Niger Joint Commission for Cooperation

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Described as:

– river basin organization
– formal commission

The bilateral commission was established 1990 and is based upon the Agreement between Nigeria and Niger concerning the Equitable Sharing in the Development, Conservation, and use of their Common Water Resources. It covers the Niger River and includes Niger and Nigeria.

Organizational Bodies

Organizational bodies include: Commission and Permanent Technical Committee.[1]

Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

Disputes referred to the Nigeria-Niger Joint Commission for co-operation; difference which cannot be settled by the commission within six months after a reference to it under last preceding paragraph, shall be regarded as dispute and shall, at the request of both contracting parties, be referred to commission of mediation, conciliation and arbitration of organization of african unity for binding determination. The first instance of a dispute between parties is resolved by the organization internally.[1] A further instance of a dispute between parties is resolved externally by a third party using an external mechanism involving third parties.[1]


Commission shall monitor implementation of provisions of this agreement; continued monitoring of performance of agreed upon equitable sharing schemes, and to recommend to commission any adjustments deemed necessary. Monitoring is performed to ensure compliance of members with the underlying agreement or RBO decisions.[1]

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Schmeir, Susanne. International River Basin Organization Database. Oregon State University Program in Water Conflict Management and Transformation. Accessed online April 30 2014.

External Links

  • International River Basin Organization database — The International RBO Database was created by Susanne Schmeir as part of her PhD research and has been incorporated into the resources hosted by the Transboundary Freshwater Disputes Database at Oregon State University. It is available in a queryable online form, data download.

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Projects and Initiatives Agreements and Treaties


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Purposeriver basin organization + and formal commission +