Murray-Darling Basin

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Murray-Darling Basin Facts

Basin Area: 1061000 1,061,000 km²
409,546 mi²
Type:watershed or basin

Includes Riparians: Australia;
Facts about included riparians are at the end of the article. Fact References[1] [2]

All Facts about Murray-Darling Basin

The Murray-Darling Basin drains over 1 million km2, representing about 14% of Australia's land area and home to more than 2 million people. Approximately 13% of land in the basin is dedicated to irrigated agriculture, though two-thirds of land in the basin is primarily used as crop or pasture land and the basin contains almost 40% of the country's farms.[3]

The Murray-Darling Basin includes the Murray, Darling and Murrumbidgee rivers. It covers 5 states and territories within Australia.

Climate Change

Within the Basin, mean temperatures have risen at similar rates to global increases since 1950 and the frequency of extremely high temperature have increased since 1957.[4] Climate models predict that annual basin rainfall is expected to decline, though uncertainty limits the ability to predict the degree, seasonality, or geographic range of decline with great confidence.

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Riparians Water Features

Located in this basin- Australia

Projects and Initiatives Agreements and Treaties

Facts about Included Riparians

RiparianPopulation in BasinArea within Basin in sq. kmIrrigated Lands within Basin in sq kmAverage Discharge in cubic m per second
Australia2 million2,000,000 people1,061,000 km²409,654.39 mi²14,000 km²5,405.43 mi²
  1. ^ Australian Bureau of Statistics. Catalogue 4618.0 Water Use on Australian Farms, 2011-12. Accessed online at July 22 2013
  2. ^ Australian Bureau of Statistics. Catalogue 4610.0.55.007 - Water and the Murray-Darling Basin - A Statistical Profile, 2000-01 to 2005-06. Accessed online at on July 23 2013
  3. ^ Australian Bureau of Statistics. Catalogue 4610.0.55.007 - Water and the Murray-Darling Basin - A Statistical Profile, 2000-01 to 2005-06. Accessed online at on July 23 2013
  4. ^ Albert van Dijk, Ray Evans, Peter Hairsine, Shahbaz Khan, Rory Nathan, Zahra Paydar, Neil Viney, Lu Zhang (February 2006) Risks to the Shared Water Resources of the Murray-Darling Basin MDBC Publication 22/06

Facts about "Murray-Darling Basin"RDF feed
Basin Area1,061,000 km² (409,546 mi²) +
Located in RegionAustralia and New Zealand +
RiparianAustralia +
Water Feature TypeWatershed or basin +
Has subobjectThis property is a special property in this wiki.Murray-Darling Basin +