Klaralven Basin

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Klaralven Basin Facts

Basin Area: 51153 51,153 km²
19,745.058 mi²
Average Discharge: 12675.612,675.6 m³/s
447,634.589 cfs
400.004 km³/y
Type:watershed or basin, river or creek

Includes Riparians: Norway; Sweden;
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The Klaralven Basin is located in Northern Europe.

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Riparians Water Features

Located in this basin- Norway
Located in this basin- Sweden

Other - Norway
Other - Sweden

Projects and Initiatives Agreements and Treaties

Facts about Included Riparians

RiparianPopulation in BasinArea within Basin in sq. kmIrrigated Lands within Basin in sq kmAverage Discharge in cubic m per second
Norway0.0248 million24,800 people7,752 km²2,993.064 mi²80 km²30.888 mi²
Sweden0.981 million980,800 people43,401 km²16,757.22 mi²400 km²154.441 mi²12,675.6 m³/s447,634.589 cfs
400.004 km³/y
  1. ^ Oregon State University.Transboundary Freshwater Spatial Database Entry for "Klaralven Basin" Accessed August 15 2014 online:http://ocid.nacse.org/tfdd/map/result.php?bcode=KRLV
Facts about "Klaralven Basin"RDF feed
Average Discharge12,675.6 m³/s (447,634.589 cfs, 400.004 km³/y) +
Basin Area51,153 km² (19,745.058 mi²) +
Located in RegionNorthern Europe +
RiparianNorway + and Sweden +
Water Feature TypeWatershed or basin + and River or creek +
Has subobjectThis property is a special property in this wiki.Klaralven Basin + and Klaralven Basin +