Help:Ways to Contribute
[hide]You Don't Have to Add a Full Case Study
While the goal of this site is to collect a wide range of case studies, we know that many people have a little bit of time and knowledge to contribute and might not be able to contribute all the pieces of information required to make a strong and complete case study resource.
We expect that many users may choose to only add a few details, or expand a case study by adding information about issues and stakeholders, or answers to key questions, or maybe add an ASI article to provide additional analysis or insight.
All contributions that bring richer details, updated and accurate facts, or new viewpoints to readers are welcome.
Start Cases You'd Like to See
Any user can start a case study. If you are interested learning more about a case that is not currently in AquaPedia, you can start it -- just give the case a title, and enter as much information as you know. You can add comments to the discussion page to encourage other users to add to the case. Just creating an incomplete case can spur others to contribute.
Clean Up Cases
Virtually all cases can be improved. Spelling and grammar can be tweaked. Language can be edited for clarity. References and Links can be added. Background articles can be created or tweaked and linked to case studies. Editing cases makes them better.
Add Detail
Add details to cases that could use more information. If you have a different perspective on a case, you may add your own analysis and insights, as well.
You may want to see the List of Case_Study Resources, which contains a list of databases and knowledge sources for water resources, water management challenges or conflicts and other sources of information that could be incorporated into AquaPedia. Some of the sources on the list also welcome input or content from the public.