Pages in this wiki are grouped into collections called "namespaces", which differentiate between the purpose of the pages at a high level. Pages in certain namespaces can also have special properties or behave differently when they interact with other pages.
Namespaces are indicated in page titles by prefixing the page name with "namespace:", so the prefix "Help:" in this page's title ("Help:Namespace") indicates that this page is in the Help namespace. Each namespace is identified by a number and a name, which can be translated and can also have some alisases.
A page whose name is not prefixed by a namespace lies in the mainspace.
[hide]Namespaces in AquaPedia
The namespace that has no prefix separated by a colon. Commonly called the "main namespace" or "mainspace". This namespace typically contains the bulk of the content pages in a wiki.
The "Talk" namespace is the discussion namespace attached to the mainspace. Each page in the mainspace has an associated discussion page in the Talk namespace.
Each user has a corresponding page in the User namespace, which is linked to from edit histories, watchlists, recent changes, etc; wherever an individual user is uniquely identified. Each user page can only be edited by the user who "owns" the page or by administrators. In AquaPedia, this page is edited with a user profile form.
This namespace is the talkspace associated with the User namespace. Pages in this namespace are mainly used to leave messages for particular users or inform them of discussions that may be of interest to them.
The "My Talk" link at the top right corner will take you to your own discussion page. You can leave a message on any user's Talk page. All such messages are viewable by the public.
When a new message is left on a user's talk page the "My New Messages" link at the top corner will show that the user has new messages waiting.
The File namespace is used to store metadata for images, videos, sound files and other media. Each file has a corresponding page in the File namespace, which is often used to hold licensing data. Linking directly to a page in this namespace instead includes the media file inline in the page.
This is a talk namespace that is could be used for discussions related to the associated media files. It has no special properties.
Articles that are AquaPedia help topics are in this namespace. Only editors and administrators can edit these pages.
Each Help page article has a corresponding "HelpTalk" page. Confirmed users, editors, and administrators can ask questions and discuss help topics on these pages.