Help:Editorial Assistance with Case Studies
We understand that using an unfamiliar technology or starting a new assignment can be challenging. We want to help.
[hide]Low-tech Submission Process
We have a downloadable template that can be used to prepare a case offline, and then submitted by email to AquaPedia volunteers. An Administrator will work with you to edit and add your case on your behalf.
Formatting Help
If you are having trouble including references or formatting text to appear in a specific way, email us to let us know what the issue is, and we can do it for you. It might take a little bit of time, as AquaPedia has no dedicated full time staff (part time and volunteers). We know wikitext has a large learning curve!
Writing Assistance
We can assist in editing your writing -- both for content and just helping to answer questions about what to include. Just ask.
Incorporating Other Databases
We are working with Oregon State University to include information contained in The Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database| and link this information within cases to other resources/cases on the same topics. If you have a relevant datasource you would like for us to include, please contact us and we can talk about how to widen and broaden the information contained in AquaPedia.