Convention on the protection of the Rhine

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About Convention on the protection of the Rhine

Signed: 1998/01/22

Agreement Type: agreement, trans-national

Included in Agreement
Riparians - Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, France
Water Resources - Rhine Basin

All Facts about Convention on the protection of the Rhine

This document, signed in Rotterdam, replaces an earlier agreement between these parties.[1] The primary issue covered by this document is water quality.[1]

Comments on this agreement from the TFDD International Freshwater Treaties Database include:Commission given substantial power, as international commissions go. It can "decide that [its] decisions a) are to be implemented by the Contracting Parties within a certain time limit; b) are to be co-ordinated and implemented." If a country cannot implement the decisions within the time limit, it must inform the others why, and consult with them. The Commission may then decide on measures supporting the implementation of its decisions.[1]

Case Studies Related to this Agreement

Articles linked to this Agreement

Riparians Water Features

Agreement includes riparian- Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, France

Includes Water Resource- Rhine Basin

Projects and Initiatives Agreements and Treaties

External Links

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Convention on the protection of the Rhine entry in the Transboundary Freshwater Agreements Database, a Product of the Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database. Department of Geosciences, Oregon State University. Additional information about the TFDD can be found at: <>. Entry accessed online August 30 2014 at: