Flint River Watershed Coalition

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Organizational Purpose Described as:
– coordinate on matters related to a resource or group of resources
– provide education or outreach
– other advisory structure

Project Dates:1997-


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  1. ^ From their website, [1] accessed February 2013

External Links

  • Flint River Watershed Coalition — From their "about" page: "The Flint River Watershed Coalition was formed in the fall of 1997 and is a collaboration between educational institutions, local government, local business, environmental groups, and concerned citizens who feel strongly that the Flint River and its tributaries are a vital resource we all need to protect. The FRWC was incorporated as a non-profit 501c3 organization in August of 1998."

Case Studies Related to Flint River Watershed Coalition

Articles linked to Flint River Watershed Coalition

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Facts about "Flint River Watershed Coalition"RDF feed
Purposecoordinate on matters related to a resource or group of resources +, provide education or outreach + and other advisory structure +