Property:Agreement Includes Riparian

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This property is used to describe the relationship between an Agreement and a riparian in which an agreement regards or includes the named riparian.

Semantic Mediawiki/Forms Description: This is a property of type Page. It links to pages that use the form Riparian. It creates pages with form Riparian.

Pages using the property "Agreement Includes Riparian"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Oslo II Agreement) +Israel  +, Palestinian Territories  +


Memorandum of Understanding to establish a Volta Basin Authority +Ghana  +, Togo  +, Ivory Coast  +, Mali  +, Burkina Faso  +, Benin  +
Minute 319 +Arizona (U.S.)  +, California (U.S.)  +, Colorado (U.S.)  +, Nevada (U.S.)  +, New Mexico (U.S.)  +, Utah (U.S.)  +, Wyoming (U.S.)  +


Narmada Water Disputes Tribunal Award +Gujarat, India  +, Maharashtra, India  +, Madhya Pradesh, India  +, Rajasthan, India  +
Notas reversales related to the creation of the Autonomous Binational Authority of the basin of the Lake Titicaca, Desaguadero river, Lake Poopo, Coipasa Salt Pan system +Bolivia  +, Peru  +


Protocol between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg concerning the establishment of an international commission to protect the Moselle against pollution +Germany  +, Luxembourg  +, France  +
Protocol for Sustainable Development of Lake Victoria Basin. Arusha, 29 November, 2003 +Kenya  +, Tanzania  +, Uganda  +


Revised convention pertaining to the creation of the Niger Basin Authority, signed at N'Djamena +Chad  +, Guinea  +, Burkina Faso  +, Ivory Coast  +, Niger  +, Nigeria  +, Benin  +


Statute of the Indo-Bangladesh Joint Rivers Commission +India  +, Bangladesh  +
Statute of the Organization of Senegal River States +Mauritania  +, Guinea  +, Senegal  +, Mali  +


Terms of reference of the Helmand River Delta Commission and an interpretive statement relative thereto, agreed by conferees of Afghanistan and Iran +Afghanistan  +, Iran  +
The Boundary Waters Treaty (BWT) +Canada  +, The United States of America  +
The Convention on the Sustainable Management of Lake Tanganyika +Burundi  +, Tanzania  +, Zambia  +, Democratic Republic of the Congo  +
Treaty Between Great Britain and the United States relating to boundary waters and boundary questions +United States  +, Canada  +
Treaty between His Majesty's government of Nepal and the government of India concerning the integrated development of the Mahakali River including Sarada Barrage, Tanakpur Barrage, and Pancheshwar Project +Nepal  +, India  +
Treaty between Uruguay and Argentina concerning the Rio de la Plata and the corresponding maritime boundary +Argentina  +, Uruguay  +
Treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Czech Republic concerning the management of border waters +Germany  +, Czech Republic  +
Treaty for Amazonian cooperation +Brazil  +, Peru  +, Suriname  +, French Guiana  +, Colombia  +, Guyana  +, Bolivia  +,
Treaty on cooperation for the utilization of the natural resources and the development of the Mirim Lagoon basin (Treaty of the Mirim Lagoon basin) and Protocol (Jaguaro River Protocol) +Brazil  +, Uruguay  +
Treaty on the development and utilisation of the water resources of the Komati River Basin between the government of the Kingdom of Swaziland and the government of the Republic of South Africa +Swaziland  +, South Africa  +
Treaty on the establishment and functioning of the joint water commission between the government of the Republic of South Africa and the government of the Kingdom of Swaziland +Swaziland  +, South Africa  +
Treaty relating to cooperative development of the water resources of the Columbia River Basin (with annexes) +Canada  +, United States of America  +


U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Aquifer Act +Mexico  +, United States of America  +
United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea +Canada  +, Denmark  +, Finland  +, Iceland  +, Norway  +, Russia  +, Sweden  +,


Water Apportionment Accord 1991 +Pakistan  +
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