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This property is a semantic internal object that references the answers to key questions listed within a Case Study

Each holds:

  • a question from the key question list
  • an answer
  • a case study name

These are only entered via the Case Study Form. These Questions and Answers can be added by confirmed users when they access the "edit" tab of any existing case study.

A better browsing interface for key questions can be found at the Browse Cases page.

Semantic Mediawiki/Forms Description:This is a property of type Page.

Pages using the property "KQandA"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Integrated Joint Management Agreements of Mekong River Basin Riparians +Integrated Joint Management Agreements of Mekong River Basin Riparians  +
Integrated Management and Negotiations for Equitable Allocation of Flow of the Jordan River Among Riparian States +Integrated Management and Negotiations for Equitable Allocation of Flow of the Jordan River Among Riparian States  +
Integrated Management and Negotiations for Equitable Allocation of Flow of the Jordan River Among Riparian States +Integrated Management and Negotiations for Equitable Allocation of Flow of the Jordan River Among Riparian States  +
Integrated Management and Negotiations for Equitable Allocation of Flow of the Jordan River Among Riparian States +Integrated Management and Negotiations for Equitable Allocation of Flow of the Jordan River Among Riparian States  +
Integrated Management and Negotiations for Equitable Allocation of Flow of the Jordan River Among Riparian States +Integrated Management and Negotiations for Equitable Allocation of Flow of the Jordan River Among Riparian States  +
Integrated Management and Negotiations for Equitable Allocation of Flow of the Jordan River Among Riparian States +Integrated Management and Negotiations for Equitable Allocation of Flow of the Jordan River Among Riparian States  +
Integration of a Basin-Wide Framework for Protecting Danube Water Quality +Integration of a Basin-Wide Framework for Protecting Danube Water Quality  +
Integration of a Basin-Wide Framework for Protecting Danube Water Quality +Integration of a Basin-Wide Framework for Protecting Danube Water Quality  +
Integration of a Basin-Wide Framework for Protecting Danube Water Quality +Integration of a Basin-Wide Framework for Protecting Danube Water Quality  +
International Joint Development of The La Plata River Basin +International Joint Development of The La Plata River Basin  +
International Joint Development of The La Plata River Basin +International Joint Development of The La Plata River Basin  +
International Management for Water Quality Within The Kura-Araks Basin +International Management for Water Quality Within The Kura-Araks Basin  +
International Management for Water Quality Within The Kura-Araks Basin +International Management for Water Quality Within The Kura-Araks Basin  +


Limited Sovereignty: The Lasting Effects of Uranium Mining on the Navajo Nation +Limited Sovereignty: The Lasting Effects of Uranium Mining on the Navajo Nation  +
Limited Sovereignty: The Lasting Effects of Uranium Mining on the Navajo Nation +Limited Sovereignty: The Lasting Effects of Uranium Mining on the Navajo Nation  +


Management of Fisheries in the High Seas of the Central Arctic Ocean +Management of Fisheries in the High Seas of the Central Arctic Ocean  +
Management of Fisheries in the High Seas of the Central Arctic Ocean +Management of Fisheries in the High Seas of the Central Arctic Ocean  +
Management of Fisheries in the High Seas of the Central Arctic Ocean +Management of Fisheries in the High Seas of the Central Arctic Ocean  +
Management, Protection, and Control of Lake Titicaca +Management, Protection, and Control of Lake Titicaca  +
Management, Protection, and Control of Lake Titicaca +Management, Protection, and Control of Lake Titicaca  +
Mineral and Petroleum Resource Extraction in the Arctic Ocean – Conflicting Oversight, Governance and Rights +Mineral and Petroleum Resource Extraction in the Arctic Ocean – Conflicting Oversight, Governance and Rights  +
Mineral and Petroleum Resource Extraction in the Arctic Ocean – Conflicting Oversight, Governance and Rights +Mineral and Petroleum Resource Extraction in the Arctic Ocean – Conflicting Oversight, Governance and Rights  +
Multi-State Approaches to Environmental Restoration in the Chesapeake Bay and Water Diplomacy Framework Opportunities +Multi-State Approaches to Environmental Restoration in the Chesapeake Bay and Water Diplomacy Framework Opportunities  +
Multiparty Transboundary Cauvery River Basin Water Dispute in India +Multiparty Transboundary Cauvery River Basin Water Dispute in India  +
Multiparty Transboundary Cauvery River Basin Water Dispute in India +Multiparty Transboundary Cauvery River Basin Water Dispute in India  +
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