AquaPedia:Policies/User Groups/Upgrade to Confirmed User

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To help prevent spam, page vandalism, and keep contribution quality high, we require most new users to complete a few steps prior to upgrading their account (allowing editing).

New users should complete these steps to get upgraded to "confirmed-users"

1) Verify your email account. The system will send you a link to click through. If you missed this email, then visit your Preferences page to fix your address or resend the verification email.

2) Fill out your user profile with some very basic information by adding (at minimum) your first name, country, and completing at least one of the other fields completed (organization, a short one sentence bio, or an external link). To do this: click on your username at the top of this page. Select the "Edit" tab to go to the form.

3) Use one of the discussion pages to add a new discussion item or comment or reply to an existing discussion. The discussion tab on any article will take you to the discussion page specifically for that individual article.

4) Contact an administrator with the reasons you would like to be able to edit/contribute. They don't have to be fancy or extensive, just honest. Send a Message to an Administrator to request Account Upgrade

5) Your account will be upgraded. This may take up to 3 days, especially if you apply during a weekend or on a U.S. Federal holiday. If after several days, you don't receive a message confirming your account upgrade, you can try again.