Help:Preparing A Case Study
Anyone can contribute a new case study. You must be logged in to edit any page.
Starting a New Case
Use this form to create a new case by entering a descriptive title for the case. After entering a title, you'll be taken to the online entry form for a new case.
Contributing Content
You can contribute as much (or as little) content to a new case as you want.
Offline Editing
New cases can be prepared offline and then added via the online form (use cut-and-paste for each appropriate section), or can be prepared offline and emailed to an AquaPedia editor, who will add the content to AquaPedia. All AquaPedia staff are part-time or volunteers to the project, and this method may take a long time to complete. A contributor may also use a hybrid method: submit the content using the online form, but email the completed case to an editor for help with formatting and including images or other more time intensive tasks.
A simplified and annotated word document version of the online template and instructions for emailing it to an editor can be found here.