System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
maps-geocode-par-mappingservice (Talk) (Translate) | The geocoding service you want to use. See the available geocoding services. |
maps-geocoder-not-available (Talk) (Translate) | The geocoding feature of Maps is not available. Your location cannot be geocoded. |
maps-geodistance-description (Talk) (Translate) | Calculate the geographical distance between two points, from and to any of the supported formats. |
maps-geodistance-par-decimals (Talk) (Translate) | The maximum number of fractional digits to use in the resulting value. |
maps-geodistance-par-geoservice (Talk) (Translate) | The mapping service this parser function is used together with. This can affect the default geocoding service value. |
maps-geodistance-par-location1 (Talk) (Translate) | The first point in the set to calculate the distance between. |
maps-geodistance-par-location2 (Talk) (Translate) | The second point in the set to calculate the distance between. |
maps-geodistance-par-mappingservice (Talk) (Translate) | The geocoding service to use to geocode any addresses. |
maps-geodistance-par-unit (Talk) (Translate) | The unit to output the distance in. |
maps-googlemaps3-par-autoinfowindows (Talk) (Translate) | Automatically open all info windows after the page has loaded. |
maps-googlemaps3-par-controls (Talk) (Translate) | The controls to place on the map. |
maps-googlemaps3-par-enable-fullscreen (Talk) (Translate) | Enable fullscreen button |
maps-googlemaps3-par-fusiontables (Talk) (Translate) | IDs of Google Fusion Tables which should be loaded onto the map. |
maps-googlemaps3-par-gkml (Talk) (Translate) | KML files hosted by Google to load onto the map. |
maps-googlemaps3-par-kml (Talk) (Translate) | KML files to load onto the map. |
maps-googlemaps3-par-kmlrezoom (Talk) (Translate) | Rezoom the map after the KML layers have been loaded. |
maps-googlemaps3-par-layers (Talk) (Translate) | Special layers to load onto the map. |
maps-googlemaps3-par-poi (Talk) (Translate) | Show points of interest. |
maps-googlemaps3-par-tilt (Talk) (Translate) | Tilt for the Map when using Google Maps. |
maps-googlemaps3-par-type (Talk) (Translate) | The map type to initially show. |
maps-googlemaps3-par-types (Talk) (Translate) | The map types that will be available via the type control. |
maps-googlemaps3-par-typestyle (Talk) (Translate) | The style of the type control. |
maps-googlemaps3-par-zoomstyle (Talk) (Translate) | The style of the zoom control. |
maps-invalid-coordinates (Talk) (Translate) | The value $1 was not recognized as a valid set of coordinates. |
maps-kml-parsing-failed (Talk) (Translate) | Failed parsing one or more KML files. Usually this happens because of retrieval failure or malformed XML. |
maps-latitude (Talk) (Translate) | Latitude: |
maps-layer-errors (Talk) (Translate) | Errors |
maps-layer-of-type (Talk) (Translate) | Layer of type "$1" |
maps-layer-of-type-and-name (Talk) (Translate) | Layer "$2" of type "$1" |
maps-layer-property (Talk) (Translate) | Property |
maps-layer-type-supported-by (Talk) (Translate) | This layer type can {{PLURAL:$2|only be used with the $1 mapping service|be used with these mapping services: $1}}. |
maps-layer-value (Talk) (Translate) | Value |
maps-layerdef-equal-layer-name (Talk) (Translate) | Layer names must be unique within the same layer page. "$1" is already being used by another layer. |
maps-layerdef-invalid (Talk) (Translate) | Invalid {{PLURAL:$1|definition|definitions}} |
maps-layerdef-invalid-fatal (Talk) (Translate) | Fatal invalid definition |
maps-layerdef-wrong-namespace (Talk) (Translate) | Layer definitions are only valid on pages of namespace "$1" |
maps-layerdefinition-description (Talk) (Translate) | Describes a custom layer which can be displayed with other Map functions. |
maps-layerpage-nousage (Talk) (Translate) | No pages are using this layer at the moment. |
maps-layerpage-usage (Talk) (Translate) | Pages with maps using layer "$1" |
maps-load-failed (Talk) (Translate) | Could not load the map! |
maps-loading-map (Talk) (Translate) | Loading map... |
maps-longitude (Talk) (Translate) | Longitude: |
maps-mapsdoc-description (Talk) (Translate) | Display a table with the parameters for a specified mapping service together with their default values and descriptions. |
maps-mapsdoc-par-language (Talk) (Translate) | The language in which to display the documentation. If no such translation is available, English will be used instead. |
maps-mapsdoc-par-service (Talk) (Translate) | The mapping service to display parameter documentation for. |
maps-markers (Talk) (Translate) | Markers |
maps-ns-layer (Talk) (Translate) | Layer |
maps-ns-layer-talk (Talk) (Translate) | Layer talk |
maps-openlayers-par-controls (Talk) (Translate) | The controls to place on the map. |
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