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Previous     Results 31 – 58    Next        (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
Key QuestionKey Question Description
What kinds of water treaties or agreements between countries can provide sufficient structure and stability to ensure enforceability but also be flexible and adaptable given future uncertainties?
What mechanisms beyond simple allocation can be incorporated into transboundary water agreements to add value and facilitate resolution?
How can consultation and cooperation among stakeholders and development partners be better facilitated/managed/fostered?
How do national policies influence water use at the local level?
What considerations can be given to incorporating collaborative adaptive management (CAM)? What efforts have the parties made to review and adjust a solution or decision over time in light of changing conditions?
Where does the benefit “flow” from a hydropower project and how does that affect implementation and sustainability of the project?
To what extent can international actors and movements from civil society influence water management? How and when is this beneficial/detrimental and how can these effects be supported/mitigated?
How can consultation and cooperation among stakeholders and development partners be better facilitated/managed/fostered?
What mechanisms beyond simple allocation can be incorporated into transboundary water agreements to add value and facilitate resolution?
To what extent can international actors and movements from civil society influence water management? How and when is this beneficial/detrimental and how can these effects be supported/mitigated?
What mechanisms beyond simple allocation can be incorporated into transboundary water agreements to add value and facilitate resolution?
To what extent can international actors and movements from civil society influence water management? How and when is this beneficial/detrimental and how can these effects be supported/mitigated?
How can mutual trust amongst riparians be nurtured? What actions erode that trust?
How can government be dis/incentivized to offer an inclusive planning process?
How do national policies influence water use at the local level?
How can consultation and cooperation among stakeholders and development partners be better facilitated/managed/fostered?
How can consultation and cooperation among stakeholders and development partners be better facilitated/managed/fostered?
How does asymmetry of power influence water negotiations and how can the negative effects be mitigated?
To what extent can international actors and movements from civil society influence water management? How and when is this beneficial/detrimental and how can these effects be supported/mitigated?
How does asymmetry of power influence water negotiations and how can the negative effects be mitigated?
How can mutual trust amongst riparians be nurtured? What actions erode that trust?
What mechanisms beyond simple allocation can be incorporated into transboundary water agreements to add value and facilitate resolution?
How does asymmetry of power influence water negotiations and how can the negative effects be mitigated?
Where does the benefit “flow” from a hydropower project and how does that affect implementation and sustainability of the project?
What kinds of water treaties or agreements between countries can provide sufficient structure and stability to ensure enforceability but also be flexible and adaptable given future uncertainties?
What mechanisms beyond simple allocation can be incorporated into transboundary water agreements to add value and facilitate resolution?
How can mutual trust amongst riparians be nurtured? What actions erode that trust?
How does asymmetry of power influence water negotiations and how can the negative effects be mitigated?
How can packages or options that link issues creatively or build on possible technology innovations be employed to create non-zero sum choices within negotiations that include water resources?
How can consultation and cooperation among stakeholders and development partners be better facilitated/managed/fostered?
How can mutual trust amongst riparians be nurtured? What actions erode that trust?
How can packages or options that link issues creatively or build on possible technology innovations be employed to create non-zero sum choices within negotiations that include water resources?
What considerations can be given to incorporating collaborative adaptive management (CAM)? What efforts have the parties made to review and adjust a solution or decision over time in light of changing conditions?
What mechanisms beyond simple allocation can be incorporated into transboundary water agreements to add value and facilitate resolution?
What mechanisms beyond simple allocation can be incorporated into transboundary water agreements to add value and facilitate resolution?
How do issues of equity and development impact the identification of stakeholders in cases involving hydropower or other revenue generating water infrastructure?
What role(s) can hydropower play in a nation's energy strategy?
Where does the benefit “flow” from a hydropower project and how does that affect implementation and sustainability of the project?
What kinds of water treaties or agreements between countries can provide sufficient structure and stability to ensure enforceability but also be flexible and adaptable given future uncertainties?
What mechanisms beyond simple allocation can be incorporated into transboundary water agreements to add value and facilitate resolution?
What effective mechanisms can downstream states/countries use to protect their water related interests/rights?
How can consultation and cooperation among stakeholders and development partners be better facilitated/managed/fostered?
How can government be dis/incentivized to offer an inclusive planning process?
How can consultation and cooperation among stakeholders and development partners be better facilitated/managed/fostered?
What considerations can be given to incorporating collaborative adaptive management (CAM)? What efforts have the parties made to review and adjust a solution or decision over time in light of changing conditions?
How can costs for water quality projects be distributed between polluters and beneficiaries?
What considerations can be given to incorporating collaborative adaptive management (CAM)? What efforts have the parties made to review and adjust a solution or decision over time in light of changing conditions?
What role(s) can hydropower play in a nation's energy strategy?
What calculations and considerations should be investigated by countries looking to harness additional hydropower? Which potential outcomes should be investigated or identified?
Where does the benefit “flow” from a hydropower project and how does that affect implementation and sustainability of the project?
How do issues of equity and development impact the identification of stakeholders in cases involving hydropower or other revenue generating water infrastructure?
How can mutual trust amongst riparians be nurtured? What actions erode that trust?
Previous     Results 31 – 58    Next        (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)