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Maputo Basin Facts

Basin Area: 30600 30,600 km²
11,811.6 mi²
Average Discharge: 950.67950.67 m³/s
33,572.594 cfs
30 km³/y
Type:watershed or basin, river or creek

Includes Riparians: Mozambique; Swaziland; South Africa;
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The Maputo Basin is located in Eastern Africa.

Case Studies linked to Maputo Basin

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Articles linked to Maputo Basin

Riparians Water Features

Located in this basin- South Africa
Located in this basin- Mozambique
Located in this basin- Swaziland

Other - Mozambique
Other - Swaziland
Other - South Africa

Projects and Initiatives Agreements and Treaties

Facts about Included Riparians

RiparianPopulation in BasinArea within Basin in sq. kmIrrigated Lands within Basin in sq kmAverage Discharge in cubic m per second
South Africa0.541 million541,400 people18,388 km²7,099.646 mi²600 km²231.661 mi²633.78 m³/s22,381.729 cfs
20 km³/y
Mozambique0.0135 million13,500 people1,544 km²596.142 mi²30 km²11.583 mi²
Swaziland0.771 million770,700 people10,668 km²4,118.938 mi²1,000 km²386.102 mi²316.89 m³/s11,190.865 cfs
10 km³/y
  1. ^ Oregon State University.Transboundary Freshwater Spatial Database Entry for "Maputo Basin" Accessed August 15 2014 online:http://ocid.nacse.org/tfdd/map/result.php?bcode=MPUT