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Your Name: Ashfaq Mahmood
Country: Pakistan
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Ashfaq Mahmood is a retired Federal Secretary of Ministry of Water and Power, Pakistan. Amongst his various responsibilities, he was responsible for addressing international transboundary waters issues,interprovincial water sharing,overseeing relevant institutions including Pakistan Commission for Indus Waters (PCIW) and Indus System Authority (IRSA).He led Pakistan's team for Secretary Level Talks with India to resolve the case on Baglihar Hydroelectric Plant and, later on, before the Neutral Expert to resolve the transboundary water issue according to Indus Waters Treaty (IWT).He was also involved in the preparation of the case on the issue of Kishanganga Hydroelectric Plant which was subsequently adjudicated by the Court of Arbitration (CoA)constituted in accordance with IWT. On the domestic front, he was overseeing water and power sectors in Pakistan.He was responsible for drafting National Water Policy, approval and monitoring of major infrastructure projects including canals, drainage and large dams. Mr Mahmood was Pakistan's co-Chair for Pakistan-US-Afghanistan Task Force on watershed management and irrigation technologies.He lectures in several academies and training institutions. He is a member of a number of Think Tanks and author of "Hydro Diplomacy to Address Trans-boundary Water Issues Between Pakistan and India",2013, an IUCN publication.
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