Talk:Efforts to Resolve the Aral Sea Crisis

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Case needs updating - actions, situations, arrangements between 2004 - 2012 are not addressed in the case (as of 14 November 2012)

A number of changes have occurred. The Aral Sea Crisis is still a grave environmental concern, but some of the institutional arrangements mentioned in this case study have changed over the past 8 years, and there have been some actions toward trying to resolve the crisis. This case study needs to incorporate these details.

A news item that touches on some of these updates:

I would like to invite anyone with knowledge or interest in this case to update the information related to it to reflect more recent developments.

Additionally, much of the text in this article is taken word-for-word from the TFDD, which is cited for the entire article, but not for the quoted sections. This was done with permission, but it would be healthier to paraphrase and cite quotes/paraphrases by sentence/paragraph if needed.

Amanda13:45, 14 November 2012