Property:Riparian in Basin
From AquaPedia Case Study Database
This is a Semantic Internal Object used to store information about the portion of a Riparian that is within a Basin.
This should be the highest level of Riparians that share a basin-- For trans-boundary basins, this would be countries. For a basin that lies entirely within a country, the logical choice would be the largest level administrative unit, such as a state, province, or major district.
Each number referenced object holds:
- "Basin" -- the name of the basin
- "Riparian" -- the name of the Riparian
- "Basin Discharge in Riparian"-- Average Basin Discharge as measured from a location within in the Riparian
- "Irrigated Riparian Lands Basin Area"--the irrigated lands that lie within the
- "Riparian Basin Area"-- the area that lies both within the given riparian and basin
Semantic Mediawiki/Forms Description: This is a property of type Page. It links to pages that use the form Riparian. It creates pages with form Riparian.
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