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This is the "Water Project" form.
This is the "Water Project" form. It is used to create pages for built infrastructure water projects such as a dam or reservoir and also for organizational initiatives such as a joint commission or advisory group.
To create a page with this form, enter the page name below;
To create a page with this form, enter the page name below;
if a page with that name already exists, you will be sent to a form to edit that page.
if a page with that name already exists, you will be sent to a form to edit that page. each page must have a unique name, so please select a name for your project that is not ambiguous (e.g. ''Joint River Commission'' is ambiguous, as there are several)
Example Names:
* ''Glen Canyon Dam''
* ''Joint River Comission, Mekong River''
{{#forminput:form=Water Project}}
{{#forminput:form=Water Project}}
<div id="wikiPreview" style="display: none; padding-bottom: 25px; margin-bottom: 25px; border-bottom: 1px solid #AAAAAA;"></div>
<div id="wikiPreview" style="display: none; padding-bottom: 25px; margin-bottom: 25px; border-bottom: 1px solid #AAAAAA;"></div>
{{{for template|Water Project}}}
{{{for template|Water Project}}}
Use the form below to define and describe a Project -- either built infrastructure or significant organizational initiative relating to water management
{| class="formtable"
{| class="formtable"
! Project Type:
!<span style="font-size:15px;"> Project Type </span>
|{{{field|Project Type|property=Project Type|input type=combobox)}}}
|{{{field|Is built|input type=radiobutton|values=built, organizational | mandatory| default= organizational |show on select=built=>isbuilt;organizational=>org }}}
|Is this project primarily a ''built'' infrastructure project <BR> (such as a dam, canal system, or treatment plant), or <BR> primarily ''organizational'', (such as a commission, group or <br> organizational initiative)?
{{{field|Description||input type=textarea|autogrow|cols=100|editor=wikieditor|placeholder=Feel free to introduce additional subheadings as needed to adequately describe topics related to this water project within your case study. This could include controversies, environmental impacts or many other potential headings. These topics could be several sentences or just one, depending on the level of detail needed for your case.}}}
<div id="org">
<span style="font-size:15px;"> '''Organizational Project Information'''</span>
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Purpose:''' What are the purposes of ''{{PAGENAME}}''? ''(CTRL or COMMAND (apple) key to multi-select)''<BR>
{{{field|Purpose|property=Purpose|input type=listbox|list|size=7 }}}
|'''Monitoring:''' Is this organization tasked with monitoring some aspect of a water resource or group of resources? <BR>
{{{field|Monitoring|input type=radiobutton|values=yes, no|mandatory| default= no |show on select=yes=>monitoring; }}}
<div id="monitoring">
{| cellpadding="5"
|- valign="top"
| colwidth="50%"| 1. Does monitoring occur for compliance with the agreement, or environmental monitoring that focuses on the state of the resource(s) included within the organization's scope?
{{{field|Monitoring Purpose|property=Monitoring Purpose| values=compliance with agreement, environment monitoring|input type=checkboxes}}}
| 2. Is monitoring performed institutionally within the organization, by individual members of the organization, or externally, by a third party? <BR>
{{{field|Monitoring Method|property=Monitoring Method|input type=checkboxes}}}
| colspan="2" | 3. What issues are monitored by this organization?
{{{field|Organization Monitoring Issues|property=RBO Issue| values from property=RBO Issue|input type=checkboxes}}}
| '''Information Sharing:''' Is the organization required to or does it otherwise engage in information sharing?
{{{field|Info Sharing|input type=radiobutton|values=yes, no|mandatory| default= no |show on select=yes=>sharing; }}}
<div id="sharing">
|1. What are the functional issues for which information is collected and shared?
{{{field|Information Sharing Topics|property=Information Sharing Topics|input type=checkboxes}}}
|2. What is the scope of information sharing?
{{{field|Information Sharing Scope|property=Information Sharing Scope|input type=checkboxes}}}
| '''Public Participation:''' Is there an expectation for the inclusion of public participation with this organization?
{{{field|Public Participation|input type=radiobutton|values=yes, no| default= no |mandatory|show on select=yes=>publicpart; }}}
<div id="publicpart">
|What type of public participation is expected/allowed/included with this organization? <BR>{{{field|Organization Public Participation|property=Organization Public Participation|input type=checkboxes}}}
|'''Dispute Resolution:''' Are there agreed upon methods for dispute resolution between organization members?
{{{field|dispute resolution|input type=radiobutton|values=yes, no| default= no |mandatory }}}
|'''Water Resources:''' Which major water features (rivers, aquifers, estuaries, etc) are covered (guided, governed, etc) by this organization? You can add multiple features.
{{{field|Organization Covers Water Feature|holds template|list}}}
<div id="isbuilt">
{| class="formtable"
! <span style="font-size:15px;"> Built Project Information </span>
| ''Check boxes that describe the purpose/classification of the project''
{{{field|Project Type|property=Project Type|input type=checkboxes|size=10|list|show on select=Dam=>DamFacts;Hydropower=>HydroFacts;Storage=>StorageFacts;Treatment=>TreatmentFacts;Desalination=>DesalFacts }}}
|'''Which Basin is ''{{PAGENAME}}'' located within (or works within)?'''
{{{field|Project in Basin|input type=combobox|autocomplete on category=Basin|remote autocompletion}}}
|'''What country is this Project located within?'''
{{{field|Project In Riparian |input type=combobox|autocomplete on category=Riparian|remote autocompletion}}}
<div id="DamFacts">
The dam is constructed on which River?<br>
{{{field|Project on River|input type=combobox|autocomplete on category=Water Feature|remote autocompletion}}}
<div id="HydroFacts">
Hydropower Capacity Rating:'''  {{{field|Capacity Rating| property=Capacity Rating|size=8}}} MW<BR/>
<div id="StorageFacts">
'''Storage Capacity:'''  {{{field|Storage Capacity|property=Storage Capacity|size=10}}} km<sup>3</sup> <BR/>
Which (if any) reservoir is associated with this project? (formed by or maintained/expanded via existence of)<br>
{{{field|Reservoir|input type=combobox|autocomplete on category=Water Feature|remote autocompletion}}}
<div id="DesalFacts">'''Water Production Capacity (Desalination):''' {{{field|Desal Production Capacity|property=Desal Production Capacity|size=10}}} ML/d <BR/>
<div id="TreatmentFacts">'''Water Production Capacity (Treatment):''' {{{field|Treatment Capacity|property=Treatment Capacity|size=10}}} ML/d <BR/>
<span style="font-size:15px;"> Geography and Timespan </span>
Within which [http://aquapedia.waterdiplomacy.org/wiki/index.php?title=Property:Located_in_Region world region] is this project located?
{{{field|Project Region|property=Located in Region|dropdown}}}
If {{PAGENAME}} has start or end dates, include the year below.
'''Start Date:''' {{{field|Start Date|property=Start Date|placeholder=year|size=4| maxlength=4}}}
'''End Date:''' {{{field|End Date|property=End Date|placeholder=year|size=4| maxlength=4}}}
=Article Content=
'''Article Content - Description/History/Context''' <BR>
This is the "body" of this water project article. The article should contain relevant, organized information about the project.
{{Upload file}}
{{{field|Description||input type=textarea|autogrow|cols=65|rows=12|editor=wikieditor|placeholder=Construct your article here. }}}
=Associated Projects=
Other projects may be associated with this project -- for example an initiative or commission may have authority over a specific dam, or a river linking project may have serious implications for dam operations -- and while these can be described in text of the Project Article, this sections allows you to insert a semantic link that ties this project article to related projects.
If an article exists, you can enter the title (e.g.: ''Ganges River'', ''Mekong River Commission'', ''Glen Canyon Dam,'' ''Indus Water Treaty''), and it will be automatically linked to the case study. If the article does not exist, a new page will automatically be created for the feature. '''You will be able to see/edit that page by clicking the link when viewing your saved case study.'''
We suggest looking at [[List_of_Background_Sections | the existing list of features, projects, and agreements]].
'''Are there other Projects and Initiatives that are closely associated with this project?'''
{{{field|Associated Water Project| holds template|list}}}
=External Links=
Click "Add External Link" to add additional hyperlinks to external websites -- such as the official website of the project or another relevant and useful site for learning about this specific topic.
{{{field|External Links|holds template}}}
=Page Review=
{{{field|Case Review|holds template}}}
{{{end template}}}
{{{end template}}}
{{{for template|External Link|multiple|embed in field=Water Project[External Links]|add button text=Add External Link}}}
{{External Link Form}}
{{{end template}}}
{{{for template|Case Review Boxes|embed in field=Water Project[Case Review]}}}
{{Case Review Form}}
{{{end template}}}
{{{for template|Link Riparian|multiple|embed in field=Water Project[Riparian]|add button text=Link Another Riparian|label=Associated Riparians}}}
{{{field|Riparian|property=Riparian|input type=combobox|autocomplete on category=Riparian|remote autocompletion}}}
{{{end template}}}
{{{for template|Link Water Project|multiple|embed in field=Water Project[Associated Water Project]|add button text=Link Another Water Project|label=Associated Water Projects}}}
{{{field|Water Project|property=Water Project|input type=combobox|autocomplete on category=Water Project|remote autocompletion}}}
{{{end template}}}
{{{for template|Link Agreement|multiple|embed in field=Water Project[Agreement includes Project]|add button text=Link Another Agreement or Treaty|label=Associated Agreement or Treaty}}}
{{{field|Agreement|property=Agreement|input type=combobox|autocomplete on category=Agreement|remote autocompletion}}}
{{{end template}}}
{{{for template|Link Water Feature|multiple|embed in field=Water Project[Organization Covers Water Feature]|add button text=Click to Add Another|label=Water Features covered by this organization }}}
{{{field|Water Feature|input type=combobox|delimiter=;|autocomplete on category=Water Feature|remote autocompletion}}}
{{{end template}}}
{{{standard input|summary}}}
{{{standard input|summary}}}

Latest revision as of 12:18, 7 August 2014

This is the "Water Project" form. It is used to create pages for built infrastructure water projects such as a dam or reservoir and also for organizational initiatives such as a joint commission or advisory group.

To create a page with this form, enter the page name below; if a page with that name already exists, you will be sent to a form to edit that page. each page must have a unique name, so please select a name for your project that is not ambiguous (e.g. Joint River Commission is ambiguous, as there are several)

Example Names:

  • Glen Canyon Dam
  • Joint River Comission, Mekong River